Thursday, May 20, 2010

Smiley girl

Stopping to smell the flowers

Mady taking some time to smell the flowers on our walk. :)

Any way to keep her happy while waiting!

The lines for the bounce house were long, so we had to keep Mady entertained any way we could. I love the look on Elyse's face in the lower left hand corner of the picture!

So sweet!

Elyse and Mady walking at Riverside Park!

Inflatable Slide -- Whee!

Lyndi took Mady on the inflatable slide twice. Thank God Lyndi was there because Momma sure wasn't going to do it!

Bounce House!!!

We went to Family Fun Fest at Riverside Park in La Crosse. Mady loved the bounce house. She went in it 6 times!

X is for xylophone

Mady and Eric playing her new xylophone. She loves this toy!